Inventory & Revenue Enhancement

Offering solutions focused on improving operational efficiencies, streamlining supply processes and reducing costs.

Our Inventory and Revenue Enhancement Solutions will help you realize cost-savings, improve operational efficiencies and enable you to consolidate your supply purchases. Join our rewards program, ship products direct to your patients, streamline your onboarding process, utilize LUM and learn more about our PPD program.

Front Step™ Patient Direct Shipment reduces time lost managing supplies and allows clinicians to increase their productivity by spending more time with their patients.

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By joining the C Rewards Loyalty Program, providers can earn cost-savings and financial incentives, improve operational efficiencies, increase standardization and more.

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Streamline your supply purchasing with OnBoard by bringing all owned-entity supply purchases onto one ordering platform. With OnBoard, hospitals and health systems gain increased visibility into their supply spend data, including analytics from all owned-entities.

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By distributing products in the most logical unit of measure (LUM), LogiSize makes it possible for hospitals and health systems to streamline their supply processes while reducing both costs and product inventory.

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