Finding Revenue Opportunities by Examining Your Supply Chain

As of late, financing healthcare has become a popular topic in politics. While many sides debate insurance payments and premiums, patients still need day-to-day care. The local community health center is a frontline provider of this daily patient care, including both mental and physical health. From 2006-2008, community health centers averaged 31.1 million visits annually. Over 55% of these visits were made by patients with limited ability to pay, such as the poor and publicly insured.

The makeup of patients that visit community health centers must be balanced with the ability to provide quality care. This is where budget considerations come into play. While it's difficult to cut costs in many areas, medical supplies and distribution offer many tools that can maximize your budget.

Concordance offers expert knowledge as well as a specialized portfolio of services designed to help our community health center partners succeed in meeting their clinical and financial goals. Below are some examples of our provider solutions tools.


Designed to help you be more efficient and more aware of your costs, BeCompliant™ is a free web-based tool to help you track facility purchases for inventory control. Increasing your awareness of formulary compliance and spending limits, the tool provides analytics reports that can help reduce category spending and waste.


Concordance offers uCommand® to assist your community health center with inventory management and control. With multiple levels of management and PO approval, it works to help you recognize and manage charges by cost center, practice and specialty. Detailed order tracking helps alert you when supplies run low and create suggested future orders. Easy scanning saves time and money on inventory management staffing, too.

SMART Reporting™ Tools

Knowledge is key to finding cost savings on a tight budget, and customized reports through SMART Reporting™ are excellent sources of information. Get price change alerts so you can switch vendors on commodity supplies or review your contract spend analysis to understand your budget allocation better. The immense amount of supply chain data that is available to you can help inform your decision and create effective cost savings.

C Rewards™ Loyalty Program

The C Rewards™ loyalty program is a way for loyal customers to get additional cost savings through year-end rebates on selected products, categories and suppliers. This is a way to earn financial incentives, promote standardization and create efficiencies.

Don't let budgets hinder the operations of your community health center. Instead, work with your Concordance Healthcare Solutions account manager to identify cost-saving opportunities. Click here to discover how we can help you control your supply chain costs.

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