Health and the Holidays

Healthcare never stops, even around the holidays. Fall off a ladder and break your leg hanging Christmas lights? An acute care physician is available to help. Burn yourself lighting the menorah? Nurses are on the clock ready to treat you. 

The holidays are a special time of year to come together for family meals, friendly celebrations, to exchange gifts and to appreciate all the things in our lives. The holidays can also be fraught with accidents and injuries as general travel and vehicle traffic spike along with cooking catastrophes, decoration disasters and frigid falls. Protect yourself and keep your family safe this winter with some seasonal insights from Concordance.

Safeguard Against Holiday Injuries
Spending time with friends and family is what the holidays are about, but the holidays are also rife with safety concerns. Be cautious as you deck the halls this holiday season; walking in a winter wonderland may include skating along thin ice, literally. Stay safe by avoiding some of the most common holiday injuries:

  1. Burns – Cooking accidents are common causes for emergency room visits, take proper precautions when in the kitchen
  2. Falls – From falling off ladders hanging holiday lights to slipping on icy walkways, be sure to check the weather and offer to help elderly family members if need be 
  3. Heart Failure – Holiday meals tend to be an excuse to overindulge, don't take dinner too far with too much
  4. Depression – Protect your mental health and don't stress over holiday anxieties such as spending and social commitments, the holidays should be a celebration
  5. Vehicular Crashes - Ensure your safety and the safety of friends, family and others by not drinking and driving, also keep loved ones from doing the same 

In addition to accidents and injuries, everyone also gets sick from time to time, especially over  winter holidays. Unfortunately, we can’t plan our next cold, but we can take preventative measures. Be sure to practice stronger hand hygiene around the holidays by washing your hands properly with soap and water or hand sanitizer. The holiday season also runs parallel to flu season. If you find yourself sick with the sniffles, abstain from holiday office parties and family dinners.

Holidays in a Hospital
Landed in the hospital around the holidays, now what?

For residents of long term care facilities or those staying in the hospital awaiting or recovering from a procedure, the holidays can be lonely. Feeling left out of the festivities and being away from familiar faces and the comforts of home can dampen spirits. Similarly, it can be heartbreaking for family members at home observing holidays while someone important to them is spending the holidays in the hospital due to health concerns. 

If you find yourself or a loved one stuck in a hospital this holiday, consider spreading some holiday cheer to those around you such as your physician, nurses or other hospital staff. Many are away from their friends, families and loved ones. Give a simple gift or thoughtful note to show appreciation and brighten their day or evening! Spending the holidays in the hospital isn't ideal, but you have the power to bring a smile to someone’s face.

In turn, doing things for others can also make your time spent in the hospital more involved or rewarding. In the age of social media, cell phones and other digital distractions, face-to-face time with another human being can be a humbling and rewarding endeavor. Celebrating, making memories and spending time together is what makes the holiday season so special.

Concordance Healthcare Solutions supports those who continue to provide quality care, even on the holidays, because we know healthcare never stops and we never stop helping. Contact Us to learn more about how we can help you this holiday season and all year round.

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