Early last month, Concordance Healthcare Solutions held our 4th Annual Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. After rebranding the event “Contribute,” subtle changes occurred to make this event even more inclusive, more collaborative and more productive than ever before. We have always strived to create the most efficient, effective and engaging distributor event in the industry, and really focus on building relationships with our key suppliers. This year we had an even stronger focus on how each and every attendee contributes to the success of Concordance, efficiencies within the supply chain and the positive impact our hard work has on the health of the population.

The meeting has a large supplier focus, but we also facilitate internal training sessions, open discussions and departmental breakouts that improve the cohesiveness and effectiveness of our internal support and operational teams – making certain that each team has the quality discussions and collaboration time needed in order to contribute to the success of our growing company.
Contribute and Collaborate with Suppliers
Once again, Concordance offered our unique round-robin forum that includes over 3,500 one-on-one meetings between our most supportive suppliers and Concordance sales personnel representing every market across the care continuum. Each of these meetings have one common goal - to bring more value and innovation to their mutual customers and the end user.
Spending a dedicated day and a half with Concordance sales professionals, our suppliers demonstrate products, tackle issues, strengthen relationships and gain a better understanding of how they can build relationships that bring the best products to the healthcare industry.
In addition to our exhibit hours, we held educational sessions that focused on niche markets like EMS and Government VA sales. These sessions were highly successful for our specialized teams, offering in-depth discussions, problem solving and product demos.
Contributing to Team Concordance
More than 200 Concordance employees from across the country traveled to St. Louis to attend this year’s event. While the sales professionals met with suppliers, Concordance offered separate breakout sessions for procurement, contracts, customer relations and operations personnel. These sessions allowed the leadership from these departments to dig deep into their current methods and discuss best practices, policies and procedures that will drive efficiency throughout all of Concordance. 
Training sessions were also facilitated that brought all support and sales departments together to learn more about Concordance systems, services and processes, helping to ensure a consistent level of service and dedication across the country.
The week’s festivities were marked with a sendoff by motivational speaker, Brad Montgomery. Brad specializes in using humor, interactivity, sound, music and visuals to ignite audiences so that they can use happiness as a tool to improve their lives and their jobs.
Contributing to Community
As always, a charity was selected and focused on throughout the week, including the employee team building event that took place on the final evening of Contribute 2019. Stay tuned to learn more about this year’s charity, Together We Rise, in next week's blog in honor of National Foster Care Day.
Concordance Healthcare Solutions is a customer-focused, agile, independent distributor dedicated to working hand-in-hand with its suppliers. Contact us here to learn more about how we can focus on your unique supply chain management needs.